Ноябрьская рыбалка на леща

Как каждое время года по-своему прекрасно и имеет особенности, присущие только ему, так и в рыбной ловле в зависимости от времени года своя прелесть и нюансы. Cанкт-Петербург и его окрестности дарят рыбакам раздолье выбора рыбных мест, где клюёт лещ в ноябре, особенно интересный своими повадками, в эту пору года.
Это переходный месяц — уже не осень, но ещё не зима. Вода, вроде бы и покрывается за ночь корочкой льда, но за световой день, тает под лучами солнца. Что делает невозможным ходьбу по такому льду, но уже и применение летних снастей становится бессмысленным. С понижением температуры, рыба уже не подходит к берегу в светлое время, она залегает в местах поглубже, в стаи. В связи с этим, рыбалка возможна либо с лодки, либо по хорошо устоявшемуся льду. Застывают, в первую очередь, мелководные озера.

Озера и водоёмы в Ленобласти

Ленинградскую область можно назвать настоящим «клондайком» для рыболова! Ведь Питер пронизан рекой Нева, окружён со всех сторон Ладожским и Онежским озёрами, Финским заливом, нескончаемыми каналами, болотами, водохранилищами. На севере – озера Веснино, Комсомольское, где изобилует лещ. Южные озера богаты на линя, леща, окуня, изрядно постаравшись, можно выудить внушительную щуку. Обилие рыбы подарит возможность применения разнообразных снастей. На западе расположились озера Спас-Которское, Долгое, Сяберское, здесь рыбы не так много, но кроме леща и щуки встречается диетический судачок. Обилие речушек хранит в себе любителей чистой воды и песчанно-галичного дна — не только форелей, хариусов, но и лосося. Приверженцев спиннинга, кружка или поплавочной удочки встретят труднодоступные, потайные рыболовные места в Лен.области — восточные озера, и наградят уловом окуня, щуки, немалого карася. Поехав на север, Вы можете вернуться с окунем, щукой, лещём в тёплое время года, а зимой это будут густера – серебристый лещ, ёрш и налим. А помогут в этом донки, кружки, поплавочная удочка, спиннинг, либо жерлица.

Финский залив

Просто поражает разнообразием обитающей в нем рыбы Финский залив. Привлечённые низкой соленостью, здесь водятся как пресноводные, так и морские обитатели, так же тут могут встретиться представители Красной книги. Вот только немногие из них: корюшка, ёрш, карась, окунь, судак, кужма, язь, камбала. Особый интерес вызывает лещ – его можно ловить с переменным в любое время года. Он очень умён, хитёр, осторожен и подозрителен, что вызывает ещё больший азарт рыболовов. Когда идут за лещем на Финский залив, если его ловят с берега, то только с дамбы, от куда можно добраться до Маркизовой лужи. Можно ловить и со стороны моря, в зависимости от направления ветра. Компанию лещу могут составить густера с плотвой. На рыбную охоту приходят с поплавочной удочкой, фидером либо донкой. Наверное не все знают, что настоящему рыбаку всегда необходимо носить с собой мультитулы от официального интернет-магазина Victorinox, посмотрите ассортимент и подберите себе лучшее!

В качестве лучшего многофункционального набора инструментов, который вы можете взять куда угодно, нет ничего лучшего чем Swisstool. ни один другой инструмент не позволит вам сделать так много, оставаясь при этом настолько компактным. Каждый инструмент максимально доступен снаружи для удобства и блокируется с максимальной точностью. В этом и заключается наследие швейцарского армейского ножа.

Интернет-магазин Victorinox осуществляет доставку любого купленного товара независимо от суммы заказа Приём заказов по многоканальному телефону осуществляется ежедневно с 9:30 до 21:00 (время Московское) География доставки подразделяется на Москву, Санкт-Петербург и другие города (регионы) России. Доставка осуществляется курьерскими службами, транспортными компаниями и Почтой России

Наживка и прикормка

Для наживки на леща берут червя, опарыша, мотыля. Категорически не
стоит забывать о прикормке. При зимней рыбалке в Ленобласти это может быть такой состав: пшенная, кукурузная, манная каши, сухари, немного семечек либо арахиса. Все перебить блендером или другими подручными средствами, крупных кусков быть не должно, т.к. рыба насытится и не захочет клевать. Однако сильно смолотое в муку, то же не стоит – корм, попав на дно создаст туманность, которая привлечёт мелочь. Консистенция каши должна быть вязкой. Скатанные шарики прикорма не должны рассыпаться или, сразу же растворяться в воде, не достигнув дна. Ещё обязательный компонент, который не зависим от состава прикормки – это наше сегодняшняя наживка. Подкрасить прикормку поможет обычный ил, который Вы найдёте тут же. Существует очень много рецептов прикормки, в зависимости от сезона, главное не «переборщить» с ароматизаторами, а то получится обратный эффект. Даже если нет возможности или времени приготовить свежевыловленного, смело везите свой трофей домой и, попробуйте приготовить непревзойдённого леща по-царски, кушайте за здоровье!

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  676. ScottCiT

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  678. ScottCiT

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  679. ScottCiT

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  684. GordonFaf

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  685. GordonFaf

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  689. GordonFaf

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  720. GordonFaf

    V, a well-known Curacao-licensed outfit with over 40 popular gambling sites under its control.SHAMINING e um dos varios servicos de mineracao em nuvem existentes hoje em dia e, como seus concorrentes mais proximos, o que e otimo no SHAMINING sao os seguintes beneficios: A simplicidade do processo de mineracao; Bonus de 37% no primeiro investimento O investimento minimo e bastante baixo – apenas $ 50; Suporte ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana; Suporte para diferentes metodos de deposito e retirada (Visa, MasterCard, transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin, Qiwi); Valor minimo de saque baixo – apenas $ 10; Mineiros animados; Acesso 24 horas as estatisticas; Interface do site intuitivamente amigavel; Regulado e seguro (opera de acordo com FCA, CySEC e ASIC; possui criptografia de alto nivel); Contratos diferentes.A Apple nao assume qualquer responsabilidade no que diz respeito a selecao, ao desempenho ou a utilizacao dos sites ou produtos de terceiros. https://www.getrichnickcoin.com/forum/billionaires-only-club/bodog-cassino-bonus-de-deposito-brazil Bodog Cassino bônus de depósito Brazil According to Glassnode, the total supply held by holders has reached a new ATH of 13.Caca-Niqueis Virtuais Eletronico Bitcoin 2022.Click on the confirmation link inside.Both the coupe and the convertible have wide door sills, though.Naturally, human beings don’t want to transact in thousands of different currencies because it’s inefficient and confusing to do so.If a player is a loyal client, they may be eligible to participate in an operator’s loyalty program.Rocketpot has adopted an aggressive strategy when it comes to recruiting new users to the platform.Alem disso, a ranhuradora pode vir com um tripe para facilitar o servico , servindo para alinhar o tubo durante o processo.Gonzos quest megaways is a slot machine by red tiger gaming.

  721. GordonFaf

    Nao e oficialmente proibido nem legalizado na maioria das jurisdicoes.O software do Internet Club Pin up e distribuido sob uma licenca gratuita.Once your funds have entered your account, you can start playing games to win more. https://www.mybebeshop.com/forum/general-discussions/tycoons-plus-cassino-gratis Tycoons Plus cassino grátis Firstly, all activity that is logged on the blockchain is completely anonymous.Litecoin was founded in 2011 Litecoin’s founder, Charlie Lee, sold all of his Litecoin to avoid conflict of interest issues Litecoin is often used a test net for potential new changes to the Bitcoin protocol.Are Bitcoin casinos safe?FortuneJack tem todos os classicos: caca-niqueis jackpot, blackjack, roleta, bacara, poquer de mesa, roda da fortuna, etc.Bitcoin Price during 2013.Bitcoin SV is superior in payments.While most of its gaming library consists of slots, its selection of table games is also impressive and features tons of interesting blackjack and roulette variations you’ve probably never encountered (yet).Don Hutson esta por encima de todos en esta seleccion, ya que en los primeros 50 anos de la liga fue el unico en demostrar las verdaderas habilidades de un receptor.They wanted new coins to be released gradually into the market — but at the same time, it was crucial for a generous supply of Bitcoin to start circulating sooner rather than later.

  722. GordonFaf

    Para oferecer o melhor servico aos nossos clientes, temos uma equipe treinada e especializada na manutencao de maquinas de ranhura Rogroover e contamos com um corpo de funcionarios altamente qualificado tanto na locacao, quanto na manutencao da maquina de ranhura Rogroover.Se voce acha que os cryptos sao o futuro e e hora de fazer a mudanca, vale a pena dar uma olhada no Wirex.In February of 2013, Coinbase reported selling more than $1 million worth of Bitcoin at an average price of $22. https://www.cpdcentre.org/forum/agm-faq/cassino-in-inglese Cassino in inglese A extrusao e uma preocupacao para vedacoes radiais onde existe uma lacuna projetada entre os componentes moveis: o pistao e o orificio ou a haste e o orificio.Please let us know what’s wrong so we can fix it ASAP.O editor de video para iPhone para criar filmes em formato de cinema.Nota: seleccione N?o , a n?o ser que pretenda eliminar definitivamente as fotografias do cart?o de mem?ria.There are plenty of online phishing scams ready to steal your personal information, title p90 3 bitcoin slot diamond 2.You’ll need some cryptocurrency in order to play at 7Bit Casino, as it caters mostly to crypto enthusiasts.Existem alguns criterios importantes que voce pode usar para escolher os melhores cassinos Bitcoin em 2021.El modelo E11++ esta construido sobre un chipset de 10nm con una garantia de un ano (medio ano para toda la maquina, uno para el controlador).Foi assim por muito tempo, ate que os jogos de sorte online a dinheiro comecaram a atrair pessoas de todo o mundo, fazendo apostas de suas proprias casas.

  723. GordonFaf

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  724. GordonFaf

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  725. GordonFaf

    O que e um corretor de Bitcoin?Previsao do Bitcoin na terca-feira, 29 de Novembro: preco e 83714 R$, maxima e 89574 R$, minima e 77854 R$.Tudo em um design compacto para valorizar os espaco do seu balcao. https://www.dearbrandproduction.com/forum/general-discussion/bitcoin-casino-gratis-btc-sem-deposito Bitcoin casino grГЎtis btc sem depГіsito Vamos seguir estas etapas resumidamente a seguir: Registro — Esta etapa envolve o registro no cassino Bitcoin e normalmente leva apenas alguns minutos.Majority of the Bitcoin casinos operate under the Antillephone license issued by Curacao.With Bitcoin at the forefront of decentralized finance, it’s no wonder the online gambling industry has embraced it with open arms.Gold does not degrade over time, which makes it extremely durable to the elements and destruction and thus an ideal metal to use for money.Since it’s on the house, the bonuses tend to be smaller amounts and come with sizable wagering requirements.It’s an incredibly exciting opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to play bitcoin casino games online.The greater the number of nations, the more possibilities you will have.Genesis upgrade was focused on realigning the protocol with Satoshi’s Whitepaper by correcting on the limitations introduced in Bitcoin.The platform even offers a new VIP Platinum plan that includes a $1000 cash bonus, referral bonuses, and higher welcome bonuses.

  726. GordonFaf

    For those of us who are indecisive, the Goodman website has a fantastic feature that displays the latest wins that have been registered on the platform.Quando se trata de transacoes maiores, certamente nao sao ideais.Os usuarios podem desfrutar de jogos originais como CoinFlip, Hilo, Mines, Plinko, Video Poker, Dice e ate mesmo jogos com dealer ao vivo que estao disponiveis 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. https://www.utwin.online/forum/smart-homes/bitcoin-slot-machine-livro-fratis-gratis Bitcoin slot machine livro fratis gratis They start out by giving new customers who make their minimum payment an incentive of more than $5,000.Os slots aceitam o Bitcoin, e esse e um motivo para gostar de jogar slots.Bitcoin organization is not Bitcoin’s official website.Fixed supply : One of the key parameters in the Bitcoin protocol is that the supply will expand over time to a final tally of 21 million coins.Nao se preocupe, muitos novos mineradores de Bitcoin enfrentam o mesmo tipo de problema.NetEnt prides itself on being built upon a philosophy of continuous innovation and unrelenting passion.Ele difere do bitcoin na medida em que e executado na blockchain ethereum.Apesar das deficiencias em outras partes do lobby dos jogos de mesa, as vezes falta o conhecimento dos esportes Canadenses.Furthermore, simply making a deposit is insufficient.

  727. GordonFaf

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  728. GordonFaf

    Atualmente, este software de mineracao suporta apenas dispositivos Win10 e Mac, o que e parte da razao pela qual o classificamos em segundo lugar.As crypto casino games start to gain popularity, the gambling community is keen to learn about the best bitcoin casinos online.Mobile Optimization and Customer Support: 4. https://www.our-star.com/forum/welcome-to-the-forum/caca-niqueis-de-bitcoin-gratis-sem-deposito Caça-níqueis de bitcoin grátis sem depósito The price soared dramatically to $2,164.Liberty Slots gave you 250 mBTC to play with, while Vegas Strip gave 250 mBTC to play with.Evita o deslizamento do tubo e pode ser ajustado ate 12” Compartimento para ferramentas.The possibility of the BTC price ending the yearly trade at $65,556.The welcome offer can be spread across a number of deposits and it can be even bigger if you are a high roller.Momentos depois, voce tera o deposito em sua conta de cassino.No entanto, completo com acao e interacao.There must be a winner.Quais sao as condicoes de pagamento?

  729. GordonFaf

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  730. GordonFaf

    What’s more, whilst there is a comprehensive range of games to be played, the majority of them are slots games.NFL players collected their salary in weekly game checks under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, and Okung probably wishes he could have collected it all by Labor Day.The casino site will always walk you through the steps necessary to purchase crypto, so don’t fret. https://www.perfecttimeinvestingllc.org/forum/real-estate-forum/cor-pena-de-ganso Cor pena de ganso Muitas empresas tem optado pelo metodo de ranhurar ao inves de rosquear, mas com a ranhuradora manual e possivel utilizar ambos os equipamentos em uma obra, no caso de optar pela utilizacao automatica, e o resultado pode ser bastante satisfatorio.But as influential as the Miura is, it wasn’t the first high-performance road car with traffic-stopping style.Following the collapse of FTX, an event that took place immediately after the first week of the month, it looks as though bitcoin’s price in November 2022 has a high probability of ending with negative percentages against the U.Tente uma estrategia de apostas.Conheca as 10 empresas com maior posicao em bitcoin.Moedas Fiat : EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, NOK, RUB, CNY, PLN.If you are just looking for some awesome bitcoin slot sites to play at, then luckily for you, we have put together a guide to some of the best places to play above for you.Industry researchers would suggest that WIldTornado may have always been destined for success.Your second deposit is matched at a 75% rate up to 1 BTC.

  731. GordonFaf

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  732. GordonFaf

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  733. GordonFaf

    However, BTC started the month at $63,326.Wherefore, the price could surge to a maximum of $74,967.Because the Carolina Panthers’ offensive tackle (OT) gets half of his salary in BTC, many proponents think of him as the highest-paid player in the NFL and not just ahead of the highest-paid OTs. https://www.taiwanasweden.org/forum/democracy-and-freedom/dados-de-mineracao-de-bitcoin Dados de mineração de bitcoin The resources available will vary from one country to another.So, how does bitcoin’s hash rate compare with other cryptocurrencies?Cloudbet 100% up to 5 BTC 18+ | T&Cs Apply Play Now!In response to growing demand, many companies are offering bitcoin casinos to gamblers all over the world.A mudanca inteligente do tempo de configuracao para a produtividade!Casino Bonus Launched FortuneJack 110% up to 1.O aplicativo oficial do Gmail para iPhone.Caca-niqueis online ostentam varios rodilhos com varios modos que podem ser exercitados para obter ganhos.Depending on the current market, you’ll be able to almost predict which way it’s going, but it’s never foolproof.

  734. GordonFaf

    Usually, casinos combine different bonuses in packages.Bonus de deposito de 100% ate 100 euros.Voce nao precisa fornecer nenhuma informacao pessoal para criar uma carteira bitcoin e nao ha associacao entre sua pessoa e o endereco de sua carteira. https://www.ebonyjenkins84.com/forum/welcome-to-the-forum/jogos-dos-quais-voce-pode-ganhar-bitcoin Jogos dos quais vocГЄ pode ganhar bitcoin Caso queira remover os arquivos existentes no dispositivo de destino antes de transferi-los, marque a opcao «Limpar dados antes de copiar».Kiwi law states that it’s illegal for players to gamble at any new zealand-based online casino.In the past, Ripple was part of a legal battle which may by some be considered controversial.However, Ripple won the lawsuit and has since remained among the top crypto.Here are some of the cryptos we look for that may affect the ranking of a casino site: Some places will also offer to play with coins such as DOGE and SHIB, but we don’t specifically look for these ourselves.How are Bitcoin Casinos going to change?Juntamente com Bovada, o Bodog faz parte da Rede PayWangLuo (anteriormente Ignition).O FortuneJack tem um processo de retirada instantaneo, tornando-o um dos melhores cassinos de criptomoedas.Pacote de boas -vindas 750% ate € 3000.

  735. GordonFaf

    Ele difere do bitcoin na medida em que e executado na blockchain ethereum.Fizeram parceria com um grande site asiatico, entao o numero de jogadores nas mesas ja foi excelente desde o primeiro dia.Afinal, nenhuma casa de apostas quer que seus futuros jogadores percam muito tempo. https://www.madbrits.org/forum/mbcg-forum/jugar-juegos-casino-tragamonedas-online-gratis Jugar juegos casino tragamonedas online gratis These companies employ the brightest and best minds in the industry to constantly improve, update and refine their games.In the Seventies, victory was more important than safety—as evidenced by Porsche’s decision to make a race car out of a material that burns at 5000 degrees F and can hardly be extinguished.Aside from all the major and common leagues like the NBA and NFL, you can place bets on rare sports leagues like the Finnish Elite ice hockey, and even future castings in movies.Simply registering on their site entitles you to 25 free spins.US: Para que fique ainda mais facil perceber a importancia da Binance no mercado de bitcoin e criptomoedas mundial, a filial da empresa nos Estados Unidos, a Binance.Comparar os melhores sites de apostas Bitcoin.A plataforma foi premiada como o Melhor Casino de 2017.In contrast, if concerns around PoW chains and energy consumption worsen.Willis Creek Slot Canyon.

  736. GordonFaf

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  737. GordonFaf

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  738. GordonFaf

    Alem disso, a extensao da alavancagem deve ser suficiente para lhe dar uma vantagem competitiva.So, we created a listing of the five most reputable and well-liked online casino websites with the aid of our knowledgeable reviews of online casinos.Later, in May, the coin fell to $101. https://www.techandfun.it/forum/benvenuto-nel-forum/jogar-jojo-bitcoin-cassino Jogar jojo bitcoin cassino O deposito pode ser feito por meio de transferencia de carteira, cartao de credito/debito, transferencia bancaria, carteira eletronica, PayPal etc.Could use more table games No live casino No customer support over the phone.There is no telling if the cap will be removed or the block size is increased?The wallet does not store physical coins, rather it holds data about transactions to and from that wallet.And in no time at all, the worth of a bitcoin passed $10,000.Previsao do Bitcoin no final do mes e 131815 reais, a mudanca para Julho e 16.A maioria dos apostadores tende a ignorar esta informacao, pondo-os em risco de omitir clausulas criticas.Surprisingly, the altcoin was trading at $21,352.As a result, 7BitCasino takes their player’s data privacy carefully, and all of their actions are completely safe.

  739. GordonFaf

    Gambling laws and policies vary from one region to another.Assim como alguns cassinos cripto que revisamos aqui, o Fortune Jack tambem nao aceita Pix como meio de pagamento.Liquidity refers to the ease with which you can trade in and out of an asset — and it depends largely on the number of buyers and sellers (market participants) there are for an asset. https://www.quarantinethirtine.com/forum/share-your-story/bitcoin-casino-por-linea Bitcoin casino por linea Abaixo estao listados somente os melhores faucets para ganhar Satoshi / Bitcoin gratis.Bovada is a fantastic choice for you due to a number of factors.Para aqueles jogadores que ja estao habituados a jogar jogos de cassino online, a possibilidade de usar as criptomoedas nas apostas pode ser algo novo e ao mesmo tempo interessante.There are numerous factors to consider when attempting to make a casino a safe place.En 2013 inventamos, disenamos y lanzamos el primer cajero de bitcoin del mundo.Taxes on Bitcoin services range between 0% and 20% of your earnings.It’s become clear that the utilization of cryptocurrencies will dramatically accelerate the speed of transactions relating to online gambling activities.O cassino tambem pode oferecer uma camada de seguranca adicional por meio da autenticacao de dois fatores (2FA).Qualquer produto das negociacoes sera creditado na sua conta do corretor e podera ser retirado facilmente.

  740. GordonFaf

    The next three deposits can raise the welcome bonus funds up to a maximum of 5 BTC.The playthrough is 33x, meaning you will have to wager at least 16x the amount of your deposit before cashing out the free play money.It then cooled off for a while, before experiencing another rapid appreciation to over $1,100 in December of that year. https://www.sewnbymizzizj.com/forum/general-discussions/online-casino-monopoly-live Online casino monopoly live Quando voce adquirir confianca, podera aplicar suas habilidades facilmente em complicados caca-niqueis 3D ou em jogos com temas de filmes.The coin hovered between $229.O cassino tem saques rapidos em 15 minutos.Bitcoin Average Price: $70,105.Many of these titles are exclusive to gamblers who deposit using Bitcoin, showcasing the platform’s commitment to cryptocurrencies.Os aplicativos de negociacao de bitcoins tambem podem solicitar documentacao relacionada aos cheques durante ou apos o registro.Bitcoin debit cards make it possible to spend bitcoin anywhere credit cards are accepted.No entanto, caso voce queira apenas depositar e sacar com BTC, voce encontrara opcoes melhores como GG ou WPN.The Bovada Black Friday promotion started on November 24 and ends on December 1.

  741. GordonFaf

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  742. GordonFaf

    How Much Bitcoin Can Someone Hold In A Wallet?The star coin was trading at around $20 during February, the price rose exponentially to $220 in April.Assim, em qualquer jogo de cassino da lista que envolva alguma regra, recomendamos que a estude primeiro. https://www.jonesmechanicalcontractors.com/forum/welcome-to-the-forum/comic-8-casino-king-1 Comic 8 casino king 1 Once your account is verified, you can purchase bitcoins immediately.Еvеry mеmbеr stаrts frоm thе bаsiс Irоn Lеvеl аnd аdvаnсеs tо thе nеxt stаgеs by соllесting соins whilе рlаying роkiеs.Gracas as transacoes de Bitcoin, esses cassinos oferecem muitas opcoes para jogadores que podem gastar seus bitcoins em: jogos de cassino jogos de azar apostas esportivas loterias online.Click the button or the link inside the message.They didn’t agree on how.It contains provably fair dice as well as Casino games.The match bonus will match your deposit up to a certain percentage.Withdrawals are processed using any of the five supported coins, MatchPay, or courier check.The price continued to remain stable with some variations for several months.

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  744. GordonFaf

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